Business Studies

The courses within the department aim to develop key skills and enhance young people’s career prospects in the workplace and higher education. The department also offers a range of extra-curricular activities.



This course is The BTEC Firsts in Business have been designed to address the needs of Level 2 learners in key areas, including interpersonal skills and customer service. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills to support them as they build relationships with a wide variety of customers internal and external to a range of business environments. Specialist areas also include:

Finance, which supports development of basic financial principles

Business administration, which supports development of practical administration skills including office systems and equipment, meeting support and filing systems

Personal selling, which helps learners to understand the personal selling process

Aspects of e-business and how these can support businesses developing
e-business opportunities

The assessment approach of the BTEC Firsts in Business allows learners to receive feedback on their progress throughout the course as they provide evidence towards the grading criteria.
The course is a mix coursework assessment and module tests. Evidence of research will be based on a variety of methods.



Business in the Community Workshops on ‘Everyday Money’, careers workshops on ‘Employability Skills’ and ‘Dragons Den’ style competition have all taken place with Legal and General.

A Business Class Council has been set up to work with Legal & General on a variety of projects to include an enterprise day for transition (year 5).