Supporting your child with Literacy
Pen y Dre High School considers Literacy to be a core part of a pupil’s curriculum. Literacy encompasses three main strands: oracy, reading and writing. With reference to the Welsh Assembly Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) all subjects teach Literacy across all five year groups. As Curriculum for Wales (PYD Learning Journey) continues to roll out, we prioritise the developing pupils literacy and look for opportunities through our curriculum to support all pupils.
Pen y Dre aspires for all pupils to leave school with good reading and writing skills. Our talented staff ensure that pupils are provided with consistent excellent teaching and learning within their subject area. Literacy forms an integral part of our whole curriculum, not just within English.
Pen y Dre considers good reading skills to be of upmost importance. We have skilled ALN staff as well as a reading support teacher who all guide pupils through the reading process to enable them to improve their skills. Our new Library and Learning Zone (opening in 2024) will house thousands of books aimed at inspiring our pupils to love reading as much as the staff do.
We organise many trips to inspire pupils to read more, including The Scribblers Tour, Literary Festival and The Hay Festival. We work closely with the Stephens & George Charitable Trust who have provided us with many books and free literary trips.
As a parent, the most helpful thing you can do at home to improve your child’s Literacy skills is to encourage them to read. Reading is the basis for so many other Literacy skills: accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as improving imaginative thinking. Reading to your child at a young age has been proven to have a positive effect on their Literacy skills.
At comprehensive school age, try reading the same book and discussing key events. Make reading fun by taking time to choose a book whilst out shopping. Follow authors on social media sites and read their books. Make good use of developing technology such as tablets; pupils are sometimes more inclined to read from a smart device.
Accelared Reader and Myon are used at Pen Y Dre High School.
Clicking here will provide you will a guide to Myon.
A letter in relation to Accelerated Reader is available here.
Current Literacy Calendar is available by clicking here.
A Key Stage 3 reading list by subject is available by clicking here.