1. Letters
The school regularly updates parents with important information via the Headteacher’s Newsletter to parents which is published every fortnight. This is automatically sent out to parents as a PDF via Parent Pay.
2. Texts to parents
The school sends out short texts with reminders of important information via the school’s texting service. This is an automatic service for parents on our school information system.
3. Class Charts
Class Charts is an online system which teachers use to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. We can also share important announcements and key dates.
We believe in working closely with parents and guardians and giving the best information we can about how your child is getting on in school. One of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) achievements with you and to keep you up to date in real-time.
4. Website and social media
The school’s official website regularly updates parents via the news section. We also update parents via our official twitter feed @1Penydre and Faculty/subject twitter accounts.
5. Annual Report to Parents
Every year the school publishes a report to parents on behalf of the Governing Body. Please click here for the latest Annual Report to Parents